Dr. Lindsay Ledwich, DO


Osteopathic Physician

Functional Medicine Provider

I am a rheumatologist with over 15 years experience treating autoimmune conditions. I love witnessing the transformations that occur when patients implement simple dietary and lifestyle changes into standard treatment regimens. I have also helped countless patients understand the complexity of their conditions and why some medications may work better than others.

I practice traditional medicine AND functional medicine. I explore and help mitigate factors that lead to disease flares, including environmental triggers and toxins, nutritional deficiencies, and hormonal imbalances.

 I wanted to reach as many people as possible, beyond the constraints of our health care system. Thus, I created MakeRHEUM4U, a platform that offers practical advice and basic background information on WHY and HOW it is so important to make ROOM in your life for health.

I bring my extensive medical expertise to offer education and empowerment. I also offer practical tips to improve your health…from the life perspective of working mother within a family of shift work.

For those that want to dive deeper into lower their inflammatory burden or have a diagnosed autoimmune condition, I offer formal medical advice through Rheum2look. I launched this tele health practice for patients to take a deeper look at root causes and how to address them, and customize an individual treatment plan.